Our Mission Statement
Camellia Basic School is an academic prep school that develops excellence through an emphasis on the skills for English language arts (reading and writing) and math. Students also develop lifelong skills by participating in art, music, physical education, and the sciences. Camellia students exceed district and state averages on state and national achievement tests. Camellia’s mission is to prepare outstanding students for their middle and high school years and to be career and college ready. Through Camellia’s structured program and fidelity to the classroom meeting model, students develop the essential qualities of cooperation, responsibility, courage, and self-esteem by stressing excellence in classwork, homework, and citizenship. A daily study center is provided for students who do not meet the school’s standards for academic work or behavior. School uniforms are required.
Parent participation is a valuable and essential part of our program. Parents commit to contribute 40 hours per year of volunteer service to the school. The parent groups annually average over 24,000 volunteer hours in support of the work of the school, providing classroom tutoring, instructional material preparation, school security, campus beautification, and crosswalk supervision. In addition, parents support fund raising events; funds that provide an average of $16,000 for assemblies and materials.