Traffic Safety
Drop Off & Pick Up
Dear Camellia Families,
We have a very serious and concerning ongoing problem with traffic during drop off and pick up. Just this morning, a sedan made a 3-point turn in front of the two driveways of the school, and almost backed into another car pulling up to drop off their child. This incident is just one of many safety concerns happening during drop off and pick up. Students are being let out of the car or asked to get in the car in the middle of the street, students are walked across the middle of the street, not in the crosswalk, and cars are making illegal u-turns in front of the school and at the adjacent street at Cougar Drive and 50th Ave.
In the first day packet given on the first day of school, all families received Camellia’s traffic rules for drop off and pick up in multiple languages. These rules are to provide safety for our students and families, and were created and revised over time as Camellia’s enrollment has increased and during this unprecedented time of COVID.
It is extremely important to follow our traffic safety rules and to inform those adults who drop off and pick up your child of these rules.
The rules are: Use the crosswalk at all times; when dropping off and picking up in front of the school, pull all the way forward in the loading zone even if there is not a car behind you at that moment; make legal u-turns down the street from the school if able to do so; stay out of the crosswalk when dropping off and picking up; drop off and pick up at the curb and not next to another vehicle; and parking on the corner at Cougar Drive and 50th Ave blocks traffic flow and has become dangerous for those crossing the street in the crosswalk.
These safety traffic rules need to be followed at all times for your safety and the safety of your child. Please make sure you tell those who drop off and pick up your child of the traffic rules at your child’s school. They won’t know unless you inform them.
Thank you for your partnership to create a safe environment for all students.
Ms. McKelvey